Operations Research Systems Analyst (ORSA)

Posted By Gulf Recruitments
BMA - Kuwait City - Job Summary: ORSA personnel provide a unique skill set that integrates military knowledge and experience with mathematics, statistics, quantitative analysis, and other scientific techniques to effectively solve a wide array of complex problems. ORSAs manage large quantities of data, translate these data into useful insights, and develop strategies and metrics to provide on-site tactical, operational, and strategic recommendations to senior leaders and decision-makers. The mission of J9 is to provide leaders with actionable insights from data-driven analysis of operations, processes, and capabilities to identify trends, inform assessments of effectiveness, and mitigate risk. JIDA ORSAs support a full-range of exercises and are deployed/embedded with units in theater. ORSAs deploy with the full reach-back capabilities from J9 personnel. Reach-back offers greater resources when the complexity or scope of a given problem exceeds ORSAs deployed capabilities. Additionally, J9 ORSAs support...

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